Voice Functions - Get Line Details
Get Line Details
VoIP Function: getLineDetails
With this command, you are able to view history of sending text messages
Input params
- version::String - API version (e.g. '1.0')
- timestamp::String - Sequence of characters, denoting the date and time (e.g '1336553826')
- username::String - User e-mail address (e.g 'mail1@example.com')
- authcode::String - md5 hash consisting of the concatenation of timestamp and user_key (e.g md5(1336553826BX3KwWU2SuqvoEWnjYmOibf'))
- section::String - API module name. Use 'voip' value
- action::String - API module function. Use 'getLineDetails' value
- number::String - Line number you wich to get details. (e.g '4122XXXXXX1')
Example URL with POST values
http://api.boxis.net/ POST: version=1.0&returntype=xml×tamp=1337853467&username=your@mail.com&authcode=1234567890§ion=voip&action=getLineDetails&number=4122XXXXXX1
Output params
Example in XML (Success)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <return> <result>1</result> <resulttxt>success</resulttxt> <params> <line>4122XXXXXX1</line> <date_created>2013-04-01</date_created> <firstpayment>3.99</firstpayment> <total>3.99</total> <billingcycle>Monthly</billingcycle> <next_due>2013-06-01</next_due> <next_invoice>2013-05-25</next_invoice> <status>Active</status> <username>4122XXXXXX1</username> <fullcontact>sip:4122XXXXXX1@</fullcontact> <allowed_ips></allowed_ips> <port>5060</port> <regseconds>1369310543</regseconds> <current_ip></current_ip> <useragent>Asterisk PBX</useragent> <lastms>1</lastms> <simultaneouscalls>1</simultaneouscalls> </params> <timestamp>1369310526</timestamp> </return>
Example in XML (Error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <return> <result>0</result> <resulttxt>error: {error description}</resulttxt> <timestamp>1335767184</timestamp> </return>
Example in JSON (Success)
{"result":"1", "resulttxt":"success", "params":{ "line":"4122XXXXXX1", "date_created":"2013-04-01", "firstpayment":"3.99", "total":"3.99", "billingcycle":"Monthly", "next_due":"2013-06-01", "next_invoice":"2013-05-25", "status":"Active", "username":"4122XXXXXX1", "fullcontact":"sip:4122XXXXXX1@", "allowed_ips":"", "port":"5060", "regseconds":"1369310543", "current_ip":"", "useragent":"Asterisk PBX", "lastms":"1", "simultaneouscalls":"1" } "timestamp":1335777400}
Example in JSON (Error)
{"result":"0", "resulttxt":"Error: {error description}", "timestamp":1335777400}
Example using our PHP Class
/* API LOGIN DETAILS */ $email = 'your@mail.com'; // your username $apikey = '1234567890'; // your apikey /* API COMMAND DETAILS */ $apitype = 'voip'; $command = 'getLineDetails'; $params = array( 'returntype' => 'xml', 'number' => '4122XXXXXX1' ); /* PROCESS THE ACTION */ $boxisAPI = new BoxisAPIConnection($email, $apikey); $return = $boxisAPI->call($apitype, $command, $params, $timestamp); /* TIMESTAMP SYNCHRONIZATION (JSON EXAMPLE) if($return['timestamperror']) { $timestamp = $return['timestamp']; $return = $boxisAPI->call($apitype, $command, $params, 'json', $timestamp); } */ /* TIMESTAMP SYNCHRONIZATION (XML EXAMPLE)*/ /* if($return->timestamperror) { $timestamp = $return->timestamp; $return = $boxisAPI->call($apitype, $command, $params, 'xml', $timestamp); } /*
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