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Sending SMS - Numbers and content from CSV

SMS Gateway - Sending SMS - Numbers and content from CSV

In order to send SMS messages please choose SMS Gateway -> SMS Gate on the sub-menu.
Depending on which tab has been chosen messages may be sent to:

  • numbers entered manually in field "Recipients" [Fast Gate],
  • numbers given in csv file [Numbers from CSV file],
  • numbers and content given in csv file [Numbers and content from CSV file]

In order to schedule sending messages later field Send immediately should be unchecked and requested date and should be entered in Send on and Hour.
Previously prepared template may be used by choosing its name in field Temp.

Examples of csv files for bulk messages sending and personalized messages sending:

Sending large amount of messages ma be done in „Numbers from csv” tab after preparation csv file with recipients' numbers. File may be created i.e. in Excel or Calc. Numbers should be given in one column one after another and then saved as file with csv extension. Example:

  • Example 1. CSV file for sending messages in "Numbers form CSV".

It is possible to send different message to each number. In order to do that in first column in Excel enter recipient's phone number and in the second individual content of message for this number and then save file with csv extension. Example of such file:

  • Example 2. Message content completely different for each number "Numbers and content from CSV".
"41123456789";"Content of first message sent to first recipient"
"41234567891";"Content of second message sent to second recipient"
"41345678912";"Content of third message sent to third recipient"

In order to send personalized messages personalization parameters may be used. Entering following set of characters [%1%] will result in replacing it by the content of the first column after message content column (third column in all). Maximum four such parameters may be used ([%1%], [%2%], [%3%] and [%4%]).
  • Example 3. Using parameters to send personalized messages "Numbers and content from CSV".
"41123456789";"Mrs [%1%] is asked to contact number [%2%].";"Ann";"01234566"
"41234567891";"Mrs [%1%] is asked to contact number [%2%].";"Margaret";"09876544"
"41345678912";"Mrs [%1%] is asked to contact number [%2%].";"Dorothy";"05432111"

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